Psychomusicology: Music, Mind & Brain

This special double issue, volume 21, numbers 1 & 2, ISSN 0275 3987, is titled Singing and Psychomusicology (A. J. Cohen & S. E. Trehub, Eds) and was published in 2011 and 2012. It contains 267 pages of research results, theoretical papers and book reviews on singing by over a  three dozen  researchers, most associated with AIRS.  Psychomusicology: Music, Mind & Brain, edited by Annabel J. Cohen, publishes leading edge content in the field of music perception, cognition and neuroscience.  It presents manuscripts reporting experiments, integrative and evauative reviews of research, and theoretical papers that are either based on or related to experimental research. Information regarding purchases of this volume can be obtained by contacting Ross Dwyer



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