
AIRS News  

  • Henrietta Lempert is conducting a study which examines whether singing can facilitate acquisition of second language (L2) morphosyntax in L1-Chinese and L1-Korean learners. Learning the inflectional systems of a second language is challenging for adult learners and this difficulty is exaggerated in L1-Chinese and L1-Korean learners. 

    Henrietta Lempert and students (University of Toronto) report research on the Impact of singing in learning inflection in artificial grammar"  at the 13th Annual Neuromusic Conference of the McMaster Institute for Music and the Mind, November 18th, 2017.  

  • The ORFEU Journal, from PPGMUS/UDESC (BRAZIL), announces a Call for Papers for a Special Issue on the Psychology of Music, to be released in July 2018. The aim of this Special Issue is to disseminate knowledge of research studies in the interface between psychology of music and music education. This Special Issue also encourages the dissemination of research in psychology of music which reports research methodologies with practical implications for music education. Articles in English, Spanish and Portuguese are welcome. Deadline for submissions: 18/02/2018. To register, click here. Author guidelines here.  For questions, write to and write in the email subject area: “Psychology of Music”.

  • Dr. Frank Russo and grad student Ella Dubinsky, Ryerson University, are investigating the effects of short term choir participation on auditory perception in aging adults by examinating the way that brain cells communicate the sound that is heard, and how it is precieved and experienced.  A CBC radio documentary “Rx - Sing Your Heart Out” tells the story of this study.   Link 

AIRS News  

  • Dr. Frank Russo and grad student Ella Dubinsky, Ryerson University, are investigating the effects of short term choir participation on auditory perception in aging adults by examinating the way that brain cells communicate the sound that is heard, and how it is precieved and experienced.  A CBC radio documentary “Rx - Sing Your Heart Out” tells the story of this study.   Link 

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