December 2019 - News!

AIRS News  

  • We are pleased to announce that three volumes of the  Routledge Companion to Interdiscipiinary Studies in Singing (Series Editor, Annabel J. Cohen)  are in press.

    • Vol 1 Development (Edited by Frank Russo, Beatriz Ilari, Annabel  J. Cohen)

    • Vol 2 Education (Edited by Helga Gudmundsdottir, Carol Beynon, Karen Ludke, Annabel J. Cohen) 

    • Vol 3 Wellbeing   (Edited by Rachel Heydon, Daisy Fancourt, Annabel J. Cohen)

  • With over 100 chapters, the series heralds the importance of singing across the lifespan and offers foundations for practice, advocacy, and interdisciplinary research,


AIRS wishes you a happy holiday and prosperous, fulfilling New Year.



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