
Quick Navigation Map
Click on the links below to navigate directly to the theme and sub-theme homepages. you may only access the groups and pages of the theme and sub-theme to which you belong. If you require access to other materials, please contact the administrator. For more info about the site's structure, please see the User Guide below.


AIRS themes group homepage (All Themes)

Theme 1 group homepage

Sub-theme 1.1
Sub-theme 1.2
Sub-theme 1.3


Theme 2 group homepage

Sub-theme 2.1
Sub-theme 2.2
Sub-theme 2.3


Theme 3 group homepage

Sub-theme 3.1
Sub-theme 3.2
Sub-theme 3.3


Theme 4 (Digital Library Development Team) group homepage
Note: The DL Development project management group is not part of the Themes 1, 2 and 3 hierarchy.


User Guide

Welcome to the the AIRS project management site user guide. This guide will explain where to find information pertinent to your theme and sub-theme.


Navigating directly to a theme or sub-theme

You can navigate directly to your theme and sub-theme from any of the following:

  • the top level, Themes 1. 2 and 3 homepage
  • the Quick Navigation links above
  • your "My Groups" page (as explained below)


All themes and sub-themes have a dedicated group. Within the group are posted a list of members; meeting materials (agendas, minutes, slides, etc.); working documents (materials that are generated collaboratively by the group or members in the group); and additional resources.

Theme 4, the Digital Library Development Working Group, is not part this hierarchy. For those working on Digital Library development, please access the DL development project management site via your "My Groups" page.


My Groups

To find your theme and/or sub-theme, navigate to "My Groups". You will find a link to "My groups" on the right side of the screen under the "Navigation" menu.


Clicking on "My Groups" will take you to a list of the groups to which you have been added. In the list you will see the following:

AIRS Themes - This is the homepage for information relevant across themes 1, 2 and 3. Anyone with membership in any one of the themes may access the content on this page. This page also includes links to the individual themes.

Theme #: Title - This is the homepage for your theme. Anyone with membership in this theme may access the content on this page. This page also includes links to the individual sub-themes.

Sub-theme #.#: Title - This is the homepage for your sub-theme. Anyone with membership in this sub-theme may access the content on this page.


You may also navigate directly to the theme and sub-theme groups via the quick navigation map at the top of this page. However, you may only access the groups and pages of the theme and sub-theme to which you belong. If you require access to other materials, please contact the administrator.


AIRS staff are working towards providing the results of Project research, so that information and research findings can be shared amongst the researchers and interested individuals.  Please direct any questions or comments regarding the AIRS Web site to the AIRS Information Technology Coordinator. Contact information can be found on our Contact AIRS page.