• Stephen Clift

    Stephen Clift's picture
    Affiliation: Canterbury Christ Church University
    Research interest

    Choral singing, wellbeing and health, Singing and dementia, Singing and mental health

  • Mary Gick

    Mary Gick's picture
    Affiliation: Carleton University
    Research interest

    Psychology of Health and Illness

  • Laurel Young (PhD)

    Laurel Young (PhD)'s picture
    Affiliation: Concordia University
    Professional background

    B. Mus. in Piano - (1990) Mount Allison University B. of Music Therapy (1994) Wilfrid Laurier University Master of Music Therapy - (2003) Wilfrid Laurier University FAMI - certified practitioner of the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (2009) CPhD in Music Therapy - Temple University, Philadelphia (2011) 19 years of music therapy experience with various populations, held various clinical positions Former Professional Leader of Creative Arts Therapies at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto - provided support and leadership for clinical, research and education initiatives of 15 Creative Arts Therapists who work at the facility. Currently Assistant Professor of Music Therapy, Concordia University Have sung in semi professional choirs (including Orpheus and Amadeus). Use singing in my work on a daily basis.

    Research interest

    Singing and health/well-being (in both community and clinical contexts) - recent publication in the Canadian Journal of Music Therapy Use of singing, voice, toning/chanting, chorale/vocal music and songwriting in music therapy contexts with various adult populations Multicultural issues - recently published survey research article on MC Issues in Music Therapy Internship Supervision (Arts in Pscyhotherapy Journal) Research on the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (1 qualitative project published; 1 quantitative project completed) Completed research project on the impact of a Singing Group on the health and well being of adults with high functioning Asperger's Syndrome/Autism. Data analysis in progress.

    Research interests relevant to AIRS

    Singing and health/well-being (in both community and clinical contexts)See above. Alos have extensive experience with geriatrics and dementia. Multicultural Intergenerational

    Potential contribution to AIRS

    Currently leader of subtheme 3.3 Have quantitative and qualitative research skills Expertise in music therapy

    Expected benefit from the AIRS collaboration

    Participation in research, build professional relationships, opportunities to publish/present

  • Janice Richman-Eisenstat

    Janice Richman-Eisenstat's picture
    Affiliation: University of Manitoba
    Research interest

    LUNG DISEASE AND PULMONARY REHABILITATION: Development and use of vocal music therapy programming for patients with severe lung disease (FEV1<30% predicted for obstructive disorders and FVC<49% predicted for restrictive disorders).

  • Jennifer James Nicol

    Jennifer James Nicol's picture
    Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan
    Professional background
    BMus (British Columbia); BMT (Wilfrid Laurier); MA (British Columbia); PhD (British Columbia); Registered Doctoral Psychologist (since 2005, Saskatchewan College of Psychologists) Accredited Music Therapist (since 1992, Canadian Association for Music Therapy); Accredited Music Therapist and a Registered Doctoral Psychologist
    Research interest
    music and wellbeing

  • Amy Clements-Cortes

    Amy Clements-Cortes's picture
    Affiliation: University of Windsor, Baycrest; Sir Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo
    Professional background

    PhD, University of Toronto; MusM, University of Toronto, BMT, University of Windsor MTA, CAMT; FAMI; Association of Music and Imagery Has taught music therapy at the University of Windsor, Provision of clinical music therapy for over 15 years with a variety of populations, private voice and performing arts instructor, active performer, voice major.

    Research interest

    Singing for Health and Wellness (older adults, Intergenerational) Music Therapy in End of life Care Music for relaxation and sleep enhancement.


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