Advisory Board

All MCRI’s must have an arm's length board of 3 or more capable and eminent individuals who believe in the project. The AIRS Advisory Board advises the AIRS network, attends the annual meeting, and receives and reviews the AIRS annual report.

The following Professors have kindly accepted to serve on AIRS Advisory Board:


Director of Choral Programs
Professor, Faculty of Music, University of Toronto


          former member of the SSHRC Advisory Council

          Chair Psychology Department, University of Prince Edward Island
          Fellow, Canadian Psychological Association


Associate Director: Music, Sound & Action, MARCS Auditory Laboratories,  University of Western Sydney

Founding President (1996-2007), Australian Music & Psychology Society (AMPS) Inc.

          Associate Editor, Music Perception

Adjunct Board Member:

          Director and Principal Investigator  SSHRC MCRI Interface Asymmetry UQAM

Dr. Di Sciullo serves in an adjunct capacity due to her many other commitments



AIRS staff are working towards providing the results of Project research, so that information and research findings can be shared amongst the researchers and interested individuals.  Please direct any questions or comments regarding the AIRS Web site to the AIRS Information Technology Coordinator. Contact information can be found on our Contact AIRS page.